A Mind + Body Approach to Wellness

Vincere Cancer Center has created the most progressive cancer screening program. It is a head-to-toe screening that includes multi specialty physical exams (Oncology, Urology, Dermatology), Genetic Testing, Imaging (Whole Body MRI, Low Dose Lung CT, Breast Ultrasound with Artificial Intelligence/QT Ultrasound), Endoscopies (Colonoscopies and Upper GI), and Liquid Biopsies/ Multi-Cancer Early Detection.
The full Cancer Screening Program is geared toward high risk individuals, but is also available for the community at large. High risk individuals may involve individuals who are exposed to toxins, have high stress jobs, have interrupted sleep patterns (Circadian Rhythm Disruptions), have strong family history of cancer or a genetic predisposition, or all of the above.
The Cancer Screening Program was originally developed for First Responders (Fire and Police) as they are an especially high risk group. Other potential high risk groups are industrial workers, airline pilots and flight attendants, executives, among others.
State Of The Art Cancer Screening
Vincere Cancer Center has created the most progressive cancer screening program. It is a head-to-toe screening that includes multi specialty physical exams (Oncology, Urology, Dermatology), Genetic Testing, Imaging (Whole Body MRI, Low Dose Lung CT, Breast Ultrasound with Artificial Intelligence/QT Ultrasound), Endoscopies (Colonoscopies and Upper GI), and Liquid Biopsies/ Multi-Cancer Early Detection.
The full Cancer Screening Program is geared toward high risk individuals, but is also available for the community at large. High risk individuals may involve individuals who are exposed to toxins, have high stress jobs, have interrupted sleep patterns (Circadian Rhythm Disruptions), have strong family history of cancer or a genetic predisposition, or all of the above.
The Cancer Screening Program was originally developed for First Responders (Fire and Police) as they are an especially high risk group. Other potential high risk groups are industrial workers, airline pilots and flight attendants, executives, among others.